Hi,let me introduce myself! I'm Christina, mother of 2!
Mothers Clarity was founded after I expereinced a traumitic birthing and post partum experience after my first born child.
In my own recovery, I wanted to branch out and tell my story to help other mothers in their own experience. Sharing my experience and connecting with other mothers, in turn aided in my own recovery and I truly believe community is essential.
I started with talking about my own experience on Youtube and Social media and then opened my Etsy store BAMMBLEZ. A small business focusing on items to help mothers and babys post partum.
After having my second baby I had a much needed break...but since my girl has turned 2 I have been working on my rebrand, Mothers Clarity. My little home on the internet where I want to continue my products as well as hold wellness events and so much more!
So join our community here at Mothers Clarity and lets heal together Mamas!
JOIN - coming soon